without credit check
Avec Prêt Alternatif, il n’y a pas de cote de crédit!
Bad credit? Prêt alternatif!
With Prêt alternatif, your credit rating will not affect your chance of getting a loan. The amounts we offer are low enough that we don’t have to do a credit check.
IBV technology without documents
In order to offer our loans without a credit check, we instead use IBV technology to verify your ability to repay. This secure platform developed by the banks allows us to make quick loans without documents, by checking the last 365 days of your banking history.
A loan is a contract, be responsible!
A fast personal loan is an alternative to bank loans, but must be used responsibly. With its advantages, IBV loans incur higher fees than loans traditionally offered by banking institutions, so use them as little as possible.
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